September 16, 2024

How Enji Uses AI to Help Small Business Owners Market Their Businesses

Tayler Cusick-Hollman | Founder, CMO (She/Her)

How Enji Uses AI to Help Small Business Owners Market Their Businesses

Standing out in a sea of marketing noise is no small feat. The truth is, to really grab attention, you need to produce content that's not only high-quality but also consistent. But let's be real, as a small business owner, who has the time for that? Today, we want to talk about how that's where AI comes in, offering a helping hand to make your marketing efforts a little less overwhelming and a lot more effective. Fast.

Today, we’re talking about:

  • Why small business owners should use AI in their marketing
  • 4 ways Enji uses AI (and you can too!)
  • How AI improves your marketing
  • A real-world example of how we’ve used AI to improve our own marketing (recently)

Why Use AI in Marketing? 

Your potential customers are constantly bombarded with marketing messages. It can feel like trying to have a conversation in the middle of a noisy crowd—how do you make your voice stand out?

The reality is, to get noticed, you need both quality and quantity (sorry, but it’s true!).

In order to grow and market a business in 2024, you need to:

  • Create high-quality, engaging content that resonates with your audience
  • Produce enough content to maintain consistent visibility
  • Tailor your message to different platforms and audience segments
  • Analyze your results and adjust accordingly

Which, let’s be honest, is a tall order for small business owners who are already wearing too many hats in their business. You are going to need help—and that’s where AI comes in. 

4 Ways Enji Uses AI

When you sign up for a free trial with Enji, you’ll automatically unlock four very powerful AI features.

1. AI Copywriter

Remember those all-nighters you pulled trying to write a month’s worth of blog posts? Or the hours you spent trying to just get the first 100 words down on a page? Enji's AI Copywriter is like having a brilliant blog writer at your fingertips, ready to help you create engaging articles in seconds.

Here's what it can do:

  • Generate blogs in your brand voice
  • Write first drafts in less than 30 seconds
  • Suggest URLs and write SEO descriptions

And so much more. But it's not just about churning out content. Our AI understands context, tone, and audience, which helps make sure that every piece of content it creates is on-brand and targeted to your specific audience. No robotic sounding copy here!

2. AI-Driven Strategy

Not going to lie, this is where things get really exciting. We've taken the strategic marketing genius of our founder, Tayler, and bottled it into our own AI (read: Enji’s marketing strategy generator is not powered by ChatGPT!). Trust us when we say that our marketing strategy AI is like having a top-tier marketing consultant working for you 24/7.

Our AI strategy tool analyzes your business goals and target audience and creates a customized marketing strategy based on proven tactics. Your time investment? Is less than ten minutes. 

See this in action:

3. AI-Powered Social Media Scheduler

Gone are the days of manually writing and posting every single piece of content. Next, we have our social media scheduler (so you don’t need to have your strategy, AI copywriter, and scheduler in three separate places). Our AI-driven social media scheduler is here to make your life easier and your social media presence stronger. Not only do we let you schedule your posts inside (with advanced features like location tagging, saved hashtags, and saved account tags), you can also save posts as drafts and use our AI copywriter right inside the scheduler.

4. Brand Voice Generator

Lastly, you’re about to create a lot of really great content for your business, but maintaining a consistent brand voice across all your marketing channels can be tough. That’s why we created our AI Brand Voice Generator. Because you need one. You might not know how to get one. So we made it easy!

Here's how it works:

1. You copy and paste about 100 words of text you’ve written that sounds like you (this could be a social media caption, bit of website copy, or just a client email you sent)

2. Our AI analyzes your inputs and creates a detailed brand voice guide.

3. This brand voice guide is then automatically used across all our AI tools.

How AI Improves Your Marketing Strategies

Now, you might be thinking, "This all sounds great, but how does it actually improve my marketing?". Here are three main reasons we believe that as a small business owner, you need to be embracing AI in your marketing.

1. Saves Time: AI handles the time-consuming tasks (like the first drafts), freeing you up to focus on big-picture strategy and building relationships with your customers. For real, just think about the hours you used to spend drafting 1 blog—AI lets you do that in less than a minute.

2. Improves Consistency: With AI helping you maintain a consistent brand voice and posting schedule, your marketing efforts reinforce each other, creating a stronger brand image.

3. Data-Driven Decisions: AI can help you analyze a ton of data to provide insights and recommendations, taking the guesswork out of your marketing decisions.

Let’s dive deeper into that last benefit with a real-world example (for those that appreciate more tangible advice—raising my own hand).

Real-World Example of How Enji Uses AI

When it comes to using AI to analyze data to improve marketing, here's a cool example from our own experience:

When users start their trial with Enji, we ask them about their biggest marketing challenge. We ended up with thousands of open-ended responses—a goldmine of information, but way too much for a human to analyze effectively.

With that though, we used AI tools to analyze the responses and identify recurring and common themes. The result was a clear picture of the most pressing marketing challenges facing our users. We then used this data to create content, and it still sits at the core of our entire marketing strategy. 

In case you’re wondering, the top 10 marketing challenges small business owners have are:

  1. Lead gen
  2. Being consistent with marketing
  3. Not having a strategy
  4. Not having the time to do marketing
  5. Struggling with brand awareness
  6. Social media
  7. Content creation
  8. Not knowing things about marketing
  9. Being organized and creating a good plan
  10. Sales and conversions

Ready to Use AI For Your Small Business Marketing?

If you're tired of feeling overwhelmed by your marketing to-do list and ready to take your strategy to the next level, why not give AI a try? We're offering a free trial of Enji so you can get access to our four main AI features within minutes. And did we mention that the first thing we do is have you take a multiple-choice quiz so we can give you a marketing strategy? If your current “strategy” is living in your head, this is well worth the cost of admission (especially when the cost of admission is free). 

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