September 1, 2024

Amplify Your Wedding PR with These 3 Strategies

Tayler Cusick-Hollman | Founder, CMO (She/Her)

Amplify Your Wedding PR with These 3 Strategies

Wedding professionals often juggle multiple responsibilities, and one crucial (but frequently overlooked) role is that of a publicist. As the brand leader, it’s up to you to guide your public relations strategy, even if you intend to outsource the implementation.

Without effective PR, it’s easy to get crowded out of a noisy, competitive marketplace. But let’s be clear: PR has changed over the years! In today’s busy media environment, email pitches and social media DMs have taken the place of traditional press releases and cold calls. As a result, wedding professionals must embrace a digital approach to publicity—from website content to networking strategy.

Keep reading for three strategies to elevate your wedding PR efforts and put your brand in the spotlight it deserves.

Ensure Your Website is Media-Friendly

Before reaching out to the media, ensuring your website is primed to support your PR goals is vital. For starters, keep your website regularly updated with relevant content that demonstrates your expertise. Everything from informative blog posts to compelling call-to-action messaging should align with your brand values and media positioning. You’ll also want to make it easy for press contacts to reach you with clear, accessible contact information displayed on your website.

Additionally, a dedicated press page showcasing recent media coverage can enhance your credibility and attract attention from journalists and editors. If you’ve earned big-name press hits, it’s also worth featuring those well-known publications in an “As Seen In” section on your home page to further establish authority within the industry. Whether working with a PR agency or handling your publicity in-house, having a well-organized website with fresh, timely content will set you up for editorial success.

Pro-tip: You can build your media kit using Enji—making it incredibly easy to share your headshot and bio with media contacts!

Embrace AI, Smartly

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the PR landscape for wedding professionals, offering powerful tools to streamline workflows, generate creative ideas, and automate recurring tasks. However helpful as AI may seem, it’s not a replacement for the human touch in PR. Journalists and editors want to work with real people, not bots—so it’s important to leverage AI as a way to brainstorm, organize information, and handle administrative tasks while adding your own personal flair.

AI references a vast sea of data to respond to queries and perform tasks, but it does not produce original content. In some cases, it may pull from outdated or inaccurate information. Thus, it’s unwise to use AI-generated content as if it were your own in your PR efforts. At the end of the day, creativity and relationship-building remain human capabilities. While AI can support your PR efforts, it’s essential for media pitches and submissions to reflect the authentic brand voice you’ve developed to resonate with your target audience.

Focus on Strengthening Relationships

“It’s not what you know but who you know.” The old adage is half true—what you know does matter. However, being a subject matter expert means little if you don’t have an outlet to share your knowledge. Thus, it makes sense that PR success is built upon an extensive, diverse network of media contacts. Building (and nurturing) strong editorial relationships will keep you top of mind when a journalist or editor seeks expert sources.

If your editorial network is small (or nonexistent), create a wish list of industry publications and research the journalists who cover your area of expertise at each outlet. Read their content, follow them on social media, and engage with them to establish rapport and build familiarity with your brand. Then, reach out to start a conversation! Be proactive by providing pitch ideas, but offer yourself as a go-to resource for future opportunities as well. You can also meet media professionals by attending industry events, which affords the advantage of connecting face-to-face.

Amplifying your wedding PR is about more than just getting your name out there—it’s about building a sustainable, long-term strategy that combines digital savviness with genuine human connections. Technology is an invaluable tool to support your publicity goals, but don’t lose sight of the innate value you offer as the creative director and strategist for your brand identity!


MeghanEly is the owner of wedding PR and wedding marketing firm OFD Consulting. Ely is a sought-after speaker and a self-professed royal wedding enthusiast.


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