September 16, 2024

Copywriting with AI: Do This, Not That

Tayler Cusick-Hollman | Founder, CMO (She/Her)

Copywriting with AI: Do This, Not That

It feels like AI is getting more and more mind blowing everytime we blink, but when it comes to copywriting with AI, there are some key do’s and don’ts every small business should keep in mind. For real. So, in this post, we’ll dive into what you should be doing to make the most of AI tools like Enji’s AI Copywriter and what pitfalls to avoid. Whether you’re new to copywriting with AI or looking to refine your skills with new tips and tricks, we’re ready to help!

Today, we’re sharing:

  • What small businesses should do if they use AI for their copywriting
  • What you should avoid when using AI for copywriting
  • Tips for using an AI copywriter

Do: Understand the Basics of Copywriting

AI tools are super handy, but they work best when you’ve got a solid grasp of the fundamentals. Key things to focus on include understanding your audience (know who you’re talking to and what gets them moving), crafting headlines that grab attention, writing clear and concise copy, and using emotional triggers to drive action. Plus, structuring your content for maximum impact and readability is a must—hello skimmable content

One of our best tips, especially if you’re new to copywriting, is to read your copy out loud. It’s a simple trick, but it can really help you catch awkward phrasing and make sure your message flows smoothly. 

Don't: Rely Solely on AI Without Editing

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when using AI for copywriting is to blindly trust the output. AI content often lacks the nuance, creativity, and the emotional intelligence that human writers bring to the table. Plus, you’ll want to make sure to fact-check everything that AI spits out for you! (It’s called AI hallucinations. Message us if you want to nerd out on this.)

Not all AI tools are created equally when it comes to matching your brand voice either. While tools like Chat GPT rely heavily on the prompt to get a sense of tone, we’ve woven your brand voice into the AI Copywriter behind Enji.

Do: Use AI for Idea Generation and Drafts

What we really dig about using AI for copywriting is how it helps you generate ideas and first drafts quickly. We spend most of our day marketing (or thinking about marketing), so we know firsthand that it’s a lifesaver when you’re staring down writer’s block or just need a kickstart for your creativity. You can use AI to brainstorm topics, create outlines, expand on key points, and even whip up multiple headline options. It’s also great for crafting those tricky introductions that need to grab attention right off the bat. By leaning on AI in these early stages, you save time and energy, freeing yourself up to focus on refining and adding that personal touch to make the content truly yours.

Don't: Ignore Your Brand Voice and Tone

While AI copywriting tools are impressively versatile, they can struggle to fully capture the unique voice and tone that defines your brand. Let us jump on our soap box for a sec—your brand voice is an important element of your marketing strategy and is key to helping you stand out from your competitors and build a loyal following that’s ready to buy. It’s one of the reasons we created Enji’s AI Copywriter to use your brand voice by default (and yeah, we help you with that too!).

Do: Use AI for Repetitive Tasks

One of the best ways to use AI in copywriting is to let it handle those repetitive, time-consuming tasks so you can save your creative energy for the stuff that really needs a human touch. Think about using AI to generate product descriptions that you can tweak, create multiple variations of social media posts, or come up with different email subject lines to test. You can also have AI draft SEO-friendly meta descriptions or repurpose long-form content into shorter pieces. By automating these tasks, you’ll increase your productivity and free up time for the more strategic and creative aspects of your work.

Don't: Use for Web Copy 

We might be a little old school here, but there’s a reason we didn’t program our AI Copywriter to help you with website copy. It’s too nuanced and too important!. If you want to DIY your website copy, we have a ton of website copywriting tips for you. Or hire a professional copywriter. We know that most small business owners are bootstrapping a lot in their business, but the ROI is more than worth it if you find a good one. You can hear more of Tayler’s thoughts on this in this podcast episode about how to write better (when you’re not a writer!).

Do: Get Specific With Your Prompt

The last thing on our list of "do's" when copywriting with AI is to take your time crafting the prompt or the information you feed it. The more specific and detailed you are, the better the output you'll get. (Trash in=trash out.) Think of it like giving directions: the clearer you are about where you want to go, the less likely you are to end up lost. If you give the AI vague instructions, you might not get the results you're hoping for. But if you’re specific about your goals, tone, audience, and key points, the AI can produce content that’s much closer to what you need, which is only going to save you time in the long run with edits and revisions.

Want even more on this? Watch the video below!

Tips on using Enji's AI copywriter effectively:

We’ve already covered a lot of the do’s and don’ts when it comes to copywriting with AI, but here are a few more tips when it comes to using Enji’s AI Copywriter effectively (you know we would never give you a tool you couldn’t use!).

  1. Take time to define and create your brand voice before using the AI copywriter, including your brand's personality and tone.
  2. Always start with a clear topic or objective to give the AI overall direction, being as specific as possible for better results. Inside Enji, we’ve specifically created our software to guide you through this!
  3. Provide additional details about your target audience, the purpose of the copy, and any unique insights to give the AI context and your unique point of view.
  4. Always review and edit the AI's output to inject your brand personality, check for accuracy, and make sure that it aligns with your marketing goals.
  5. Experiment with different prompts to find what works best for generating high-quality content that meets your specific needs. Take your time. It’s worth getting better at this.

By following these best practices, you can harness the power of Enji's AI copywriter while keeping your content authentic, engaging, and aligned with your brand. To see what all the fuss is about, start your free trial here!

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