October 1, 2024

How To Use Marketing Campaign Templates To Get More Done

Tayler Cusick-Hollman | Founder, CMO (She/Her)

How To Use Marketing Campaign Templates To Get More Done

Starting a marketing campaign from scratch can feel pretty overwhelming, especially when you're already juggling all the other parts of your business. But that’s why most small business owners need marketing campaign templates. While they may sound “technical” or fancy, the truth is having a trusty set of marketing campaign templates gives you a clear plan, helps cut down on stress, and keeps you focused on what really matters. Read: so you can save time and stay on track.

Here’s what we’re sharing today to help:

  • Why marketing campaign templates work
  • What a marketing campaign template looks like
  • How to create templates with Enji
  • Our top marketing campaign template picks 

Why Marketing Campaign Templates Work

We dig a good template over here. First, they’re a huge time-saver, helping you get your campaigns up and running without starting from scratch. They also remove that dreaded “blank page” feeling, giving you a structure that guides your thinking and keeps the momentum going. After all, nobody does their best work in front of a blank Google doc. 

Plus, using templates helps make sure you’re doing not just what you think could get done—they help you do what should get done based on experience and best practices.

The Components of a Marketing Campaign Template

But what makes a good marketing campaign template? So glad you asked. A solid marketing campaign template has a few key elements that keep you organized and on track. Here’s a breakdown of the main components:

1. Marketing Goals

Start by defining what you want to get from your campaign. Are you looking to increase sales? Grow your email list? Increase brand awareness? Having a clear objective will guide your entire campaign and help measure its success.

2. Target Audience

Next, you need to identify who you're trying to reach. Understanding your target audience's needs, preferences, and pain points is imperative if you want to make sure that your campaign resonates and drives results.

3. Tactics

These are the tasks and actions you'll use to reach your goals. This is what most people think of when they think of marketing. Will you be using social media, email marketing, paid ads, or a combination of these? List out the tactics that align best with your audience and campaign objectives.

4. Marketing Calendar

Next, planning out your content in advance is important for getting it done. After all, as a small business owner if there is one thing you can count on, it’s that there will be fires to put out along the way. A marketing calendar helps you organize what you’ll share, when you’ll share it, and on which platforms. 

5. Tracking

You can’t improve what you don’t measure—and you can’t know if it was worth it either! Figure out the metrics/KPIs/targets (whatever you call it!) that you’ll track to assess your campaign’s performance. Tracking your progress will help you see what’s working and where you may want to shake things up.

How to Create Marketing Campaign Templates with Enji

The great thing about Enji is that we offer pre-made marketing campaign templates (straight from our founder Tayler’s brain) to help you hit the ground running. Whether you’re launching a new product, running a promotion, or growing your email list, Enji’s templates provide a solid foundation to get started.

Or, if you have our own ideas, you can create your own marketing campaign from scratch. We’ll save them for you so you know what you did for the next time you want to do that same campaign. This way you can rinse-and-repeat your brilliant ideas but get better at it over time

Top Marketing Campaign Templates to Try

If you’re not sure where to start, here are some of our personal favorite marketing campaign templates available with Enji. 

1. Email List Building

Our email list building template is created to help you attract new sign-ups through lead magnets, sign-up forms, and email sequences. When you tell Enji that you want to grow our list, we’ll create a to-do list from you (that starts with creating a lead magnet or a reason why people would want to be on your list in the first place).

2. Sale or Promotion

Now let’s talk about the sale or promotion campaign template. This template is created if you want to start driving sales during a specific period, such as seasonal sales or limited-time offers. Black Friday is right around the corner at the time of writing, so this is definitely something top of mind for a lot of small business owners.

Our “Sale or Promotion” campaign template helps you map out what you really need to do to get your sale or promotion from planned to launched.

And here’s a little inside tip—if your sale starts October 1st, the marketing campaign template tasks will start a couple of weeks before then. Because you’ve got to prep things before starting your sale!

3. Giveaway

Lastly, we have our Giveaway template. If you’ve ever hosted a giveaway, you know that you need to just post that you’re having a giveaway and expect people to share it. Our giveaway template walks you through every step, from setting up the rules to choosing the perfect prize and promoting the contest across your marketing channels. And btw, we dig a giveaway here. It’s a fun and interactive way to grow your audience.

These templates are my personal favorites because they’re straightforward, easy to implement, and honestly? Deliver results. With Enji, you can adapt each one to fit your brand and goals, making it easier than ever to launch marketing campaigns that truly move the needle with your target audience.

Using Marketing Campaign Templates

At the end of the day, marketing campaign templates are a powerful tool for any small business owner looking to streamline their marketing efforts. I know it might sound too good to be true for the business owner already wearing too many hats, but if your current strategy is wake up and “think of something to post today,” we can guarantee you that marketing campaign templates will save you a ton of time and help you stay on track toward your goals. 

Plus, with Enji’s ready-made templates and customization options, you have everything you need to create campaigns that resonate with your audience and drive results. Fast. Start your free trial today to get started.

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