August 31, 2024

How to Write Marketing Copy: 7 Tips for Small Business Owners

Tayler Cusick-Hollman | Founder, CMO (She/Her)

How to Write Marketing Copy: 7 Tips for Small Business Owners

Let’s be honest, when you set out to start your own business, did you know that there would be so. much. writing. involved? We didn’t! But whether you're a wordsmith or someone who breaks into a cold sweat at the thought of writing, there’s no denying that when it comes to marketing your business, words matter. And unfortunately? You’re going to need to write a lot of them. So today, we’re sharing a complete guide on how to write marketing copy (that works!).

Keep reading, because we’re covering:

  • What marketing copy is
  • Why it matters
  • Tips to make it easier (and more effective!)

What Exactly is Marketing Copy?

Before we jump in, let's break down what we mean when we say marketing copy. Marketing copy is any text you write to market your business. 

Marketing copy is:

  • The words on your website 
  • Those blog posts you've been meaning to write (we see you đź‘€)
  • The ad copy that stops the scroll
  • Your social media captions
  • Email newsletters 
  • Product descriptions 

You get the idea. Basically, if it's words meant to promote your business, it's marketing copy. And boy, is it important!

Why It’s Worth Getting Good at Writing Marketing Copy 

One of the biggest hesitations small business owners come to us with when talking about marketing copy is that “nobody reads anything anymore”. But that’s really not true (which is why you’re reading this now). 

In fact, the truth is writing well is more important than ever. It helps you grab attention in a world full of distraction (that hook on your Instagram Reel definitely counts!), helps you build trust with your audience, and convinces people to take action (like adding your product to cart). So yeah, high-quality visuals may stop the scroll, but the words are what lead to the sales.

Plus, with the volume of marketing required to stand out today, it’s also kind of expensive to outsource. Most of the small businesses we support have small marketing budgets, so if you’re wondering what TF you should do to get better at it, we have seven tips for you.

7 Tips to Write Marketing Copy That Converts

Tip 1: Know Your Audience (Like, Really Know Them)

You wouldn't talk to your grandma the same way you chat with your best friend, right? The same goes for your marketing copy. I know you’ve heard this tip before, but let’s go even deeper with how to put this into practice, okay?

To nail knowing your audience, you need to:

  • Create buyer personas (fictional representations of your ideal customers)
  • Research their pain points, desires, and language (this was never supposed to be a guessing game)
  • Hang out where they hang out online (social media, forums, etc.)

Remember, you're not writing for everyone. You're writing for YOUR people. So getting to know them is worth the extra time it takes.

Tip 2: Focus on Benefits, Not Features

Here's a secret: people don't buy products, they buy better versions of themselves. While you may have heard this marketing copy tip before, the truth is that so many of the small business owners we help are still not doing it. You need to market the end result of using your product or service. Here are a few examples.

Instead of: "Our software has a user-friendly interface"

Try: "Spend less time wrestling with complicated tools and more time growing your business"

Instead of: "Our skincare cream contains natural ingredients"

Try: "Feel confident in your skin without worrying about long-term health effects”

Instead of: "Our coffee is made from premium beans"

Try: "Start your day right with a cup of coffee that fuels your joy and productivity"

Tip 3: Use Clear and Concise Language

Have you noticed how here at Enji, we keep the fancy words to a minimum? In our brand voice, there’s no room for corporate jargon. And unless you're writing for a super-technical audience, you should keep it simple too. When you’re writing, think about how you would explain your product to a friend over coffee.

Hint: You should probably use shorter sentences and paragraphs.

Tip 4: Create a Strong Call to Action (CTA)

Your CTA is where the rubber meets the road. It's what turns readers into customers. And if I know you, you want more customers. You’re not marketing just for the hell of it, right?

Here are some marketing copy tips for a killer CTA:

  • Use action verbs: "Get," "Start," "Discover," "Join"
  • Create a sense of urgency: "Limited time offer," "Only 5 spots left"
  • Make it obvious: Use buttons, different colors, or larger font

And please, please make it more exciting than "Submit" or "Click Here."

Tip 5: Use Storytelling (Humans Love Stories)

Remember that no matter who your ideal audience is, we are all marketing to humans. And humans? We're hardwired for stories. Use that to your advantage! Whether you’re writing an Instagram caption or the About page on your website, stories keep people engaged (and remember what they read). 

And hey—if you're thinking, "I don't have any good stories," think again. Stories come in many forms, and they don't have to be epic or groundbreaking to be effective. You could share a customer success story that highlights how your product or service benefited them. Or, tell the story of how your business started—you can tell this one over and over again because we can promise you, nobody is memorizing everything you’ve shared. 

Stories make your brand more relatable and your messages more sticky. So while you might not feel like you have the “most exciting” stories to tell, storytelling is a muscle. Use it often, and you’ll see the fruits of your labor in your marketing.

Tip 6: Optimize for SEO 

SEO doesn't have to be scary (we have a beginner’s guide to SEO right here).  Here are some simple ways to make your copy more search-engine friendly:

  • Use your target keywords naturally throughout your copy
  • Write interesting meta descriptions
  • Use header tags (H1, H2, H3) to structure your content
  • Include internal and external links

Remember, write for humans first, search engines second. 

Tip 7: Write in a Unique Voice (Be the Unicorn You Are)

Last but not least, in a sea of sameness and over-saturation, your unique voice is your lifesaver. Don't be afraid to let your personality shine through! Your unique voice is what will make people remember you and keep them coming back for more.

Need a Shortcut? Try Our AI Copywriter

If you're thinking, "This all sounds great, but I'm running a business here! I don't have time to become a copywriter," we get it. That's why we've created Enji's AI copywriter to help you create effective marketing copy in a fraction of the time.

Enji's AI copywriter is designed to make your life easier by helping you:

  • Generate ideas for blog posts, social media captions, and more
  • Write the first drafts of your marketing copy
  • Optimize your content for SEO (with our prompts)
  • Maintain your brand voice across different platforms

Ready to Improve Your Marketing Messaging?

With these seven tips, you're on your way to improving your marketing copy. But if you're looking to save time and effort, start your free trial with Enji today. We’re offering a free trial of our marketing platform today, which includes access to our AI copywriter. We can’t wait to see how you use it to market your business!

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